TranScreen Film Festival

Zondag 17 september, 15:15 - 16:30

#direnayol (#resistayol)

Rüzgâr Buşk | 2015 | Germany/Turkey | 57' | Turkish spoken | ENG subs

Verrassend ritmische, muzikale protest docu met een positieve, empowerende toon. #direnayol volgt trans* activist Şevval Kılıç tijdens de 21ste Istanboel LHBT Pride, verstrikt geraakt in de reflecties van de carnavaleske Gezi Park opstand. Een turbulente, audiovisuele getuigenis van hoop, humor en solidariteit te willen blijven herinneren in de huidige politieke situatie in Turkije.

Surprisingly rhythmic musical protest docu with a positive empowering tone. #direnayol follows trans* activist Şevval Kılıç during the 21st Istanbul LGBT Pride caught up in the reflexions of the carnivalesque Gezi Park Uprising. A turbulent, audiovisual journey of the hope, humour and solidarity wanting to be remembered in the temporary political climate of Turkey.

TRIGGER WARNING: Photosensitive Epilepsy

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Toegang 3,- euro. We accepteren ook de Cinevillepas.
Reserveren kan via e-mail. Graag de naam en tijden van de voorstelling in de onderwerpregel vermelden.

Entrance 5,- euro. We also accept the Cineville card.

Reservations can be made via e-mail. Please state the name and time of the screening in the subject line.

TranScreen Film Festival